
Guides & Trail Maps
Guides and Trail Maps
Your guide to Golden
Find information on accommodations, activities and dining to help you plan your trip to Golden:
- View or download the Golden Travel Planner and trail maps using the links below.
- Use our online trip planning tool and interactive map to plan, print or keep your own detailed itinerary.
- Visit the Golden Visitor Centre at 1000 Trans-Canada Highway to pick up print copies of local Golden guides and maps. It is open daily during the summer months with friendly welcoming information counsellors to help you make the most of your stay in Golden.
Please note: To reduce our footprint on the environment, we do not send copies of maps or Travel Planners to individuals. We encourage you to view them digitally or pick one up once you arrive in town. Thank you for your understanding.
Golden is a popular vacation destination, and we highly recommend booking accommodation in advance, especially campsites, during the high season and holiday weekends. Click here to see holiday dates.