Packages & Offers Signup
Packages & Offers Signup
All Tourism Golden members that have a current listing on our website are able to have one free experience/offer under their main listing.
Activity operators and accommodations that offer a combined experience (eg. Stay and Raft) have the option to promote this to the experience finder on the home page. Tourism Golden will assign the type of activity experience accordingly.
Just complete the form and submit to us for each experience listing. Please note experiences can be changed twice a year without charge.
The first experience/offer listing is FREE, with the option of promoting to the Experience Finder on the home page on a rotation basis for an additional $50 per calendar year.
Additional experience listing listings are $25 and a further $25 if promoted to the Experience Finder. Receive a 20% Discount on three or more additional listings.
There will be a charge of $10 for each package change that exceeds the two changes a year.