Emergency Resources for Stakeholders
This page contains information about the current emergency situations affecting Golden and Area A, as well as resources for our stakeholders, research, public health and travel information.
Emergency Information
The best way to keep track of reliable, up-to-date information during an emergency, including evacuation alerts or orders, is to monitor the Town of Golden website, the Town of Golden Facebook or Instagram.
Please keep informed and check with your accommodation and activity providers before leaving your current location. Visit Kootenay Rockies Tourism Know Before You Go for regional information.
Below you can find additional resources for planning a safe and responsible vacation.
Emergency Information
Check Conditions Before Travelling
Weather patterns in the mountains change conditions frequently and may affect travel, closures, and smoke in the summertime. Always plan ahead and check conditions before setting out on your trip. Here are some resources you can use:
Driving Conditions
Always check road conditions and know your route before you go. DriveBC is the best resource for highway conditions in British Columbia with live webcams and consistent updates.
BC Wildfire Service
Stay up to date on current wildfires with the BC Wildfire App.
Check fire bans and restrictions.
Air Quality
Smoke density in the area can change from day to day, for a first-hand view of the conditions in Golden we recommend visiting the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort's live webcams.
You can also check the smoke forecast with FireSmoke.ca.
The Golden Visitor Centre has free N95 masks to give away. Available while stocks last. Open 9 am to 7 pm daily in August at 1000 TransCanada highway.
National Park & Recreation Closures
Visit www.sitesandtrailsbc.ca to check if the recreation site you plan on visiting is open.
Check Park bulletins for important updates, trail conditions, restrictions, and more. Always check trail conditions before you recreate in the Parks.
Responsible Travel Resources
Traveling from community to community in a responsible manner includes mindfulness of what kind of impact you might have on the people, culture, and landscapes that you visit, whether these impacts are positive or negative. Planning ahead to come prepared ensures your experience is positive and that it's respectful to your hosts.
Learn about responsible travel and how you can plan ahead on our responsible travel page.
Provincial Resources
Financial Support for Businesses
Business Support Services
BC Tourism Resiliency Network, provided by Kootenay Rockies Tourism: Register here