Golden stories

PART 1: Plan ahead - How To Travel Responsibly This Summer

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Matt Coté

This blog is the first in a 3-part series about responsible travel, and how to be good stewards of the places we visit...

Flying by the seat of your pants sure has its appeal, you’ve been doing it since you were a kid, and it’s bestowed upon you some of the best times you’ve ever had. But, you’re an adult now—you drive a car, at one point you flew in planes and spent hard-earned bucks to visit the places you want to see in the world. That means you want to get the most out of it, but it also means you want to put the least stress on the places you visit. Summer is the busiest season in Golden, and showing up without a plan could leave you high and dry, and scratching at the seams to find any kind of accommodation or activity work to fill your time. That’s no good for anybody, so here are some tips on how to successfully nail your trip to Golden.

  • First thing first, visit Tourism Golden’s website (success you’re already here!) as your best one-stop-shop for in-destination resources. These include accommodations, trip outfitters, and advice for putting together your own activities.
  • Know what’s going on in town. If there’s an event, or it’s a long weekend, things could be particularly booked up. Have a look at the Golden Events Calendar to keep a pulse on the community, and what you’re heading into.
  • The next thing is don’t get left out in the cold. Know what types of accommodation are available, and know what you want. Reserve well in advance to ensure you have a great place to bed down. Golden has every kind of accommodation, from four-star hotels to quaint cabins, luxury homes, and even retrofitted VW buses. Consider your needs carefully before booking, make sure to ask whether your lodging is pet-friendly if it’s wheelchair accessible, and if it’s close enough to the activities you want to do.
  • Like accommodations, activity providers are often slammed in the summertime, so you’ll want to call and reserve well ahead here too. Some activities aren’t offered every day of the week, some activities require a minimum (or have a maximum) number of participants, and some activities require you to pack very specifically for the day. 

  • You’ll also have an easier time dining out in Golden with a reservation. Cafés and daytime fare are generally easy enough to come by, but if you want to sit down for dinner, look up your options in advance and put a call in.
  • Weather in the mountains changes more often than your in-laws’ minds. It can snow at elevation in the summer, storm sheets of rain, or be outrageously hot. But it can also be perfect. Make sure to have a good look at the forecast and–hot tip–look at forecasts where you can toggle the elevation. What’s happening in the valley is more often not the same thing as what’s happening up high. Don’t be stuck without a windbreaker on top of Terminator Peak!

Happy travels, and stay tuned for part two.