A unique facility dedicated to awareness and conservation for the wolf. Northern Lights is home to nine resident wolves, which you are able to view, and photograph. Interpretive tours are 25 minutes long and guides teach all about the wolves and their wild cousins.
The centre also has a gift shop and a summertime burger shack. There are special rates for large groups.
The facility is great for all ages. ATM machine on site.
The Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre also offers Photography Tours for adults (16) for 1.5 hours you can walk alongside a wolf & photograph it with no boundaries, fences or leashes. Reservations are needed, see the website for pricing and more details.
Open year-round. Please see the website for hours of operation.
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Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre
$40/family of four - 2 Adults & 2 Kids
$15/adults 18+
$12/youth 12+ and seniors 65+
FREE/children under 3
1745 Short Road
Golden BC V0A 1H1